Conflicting Feelings
I grew up with this game, and the sheer awesome factor of having it in my pocket almost makes up for its obvious shortcomings. That said, it could have been done better. The sound could have been upgraded, and the controls, though usable, look awful and really detract from what is on screen. Plenty of RPGs are on iOS with an appear-when-you-touch-the-screen control scheme that doesn’t get in the way of visuals. The buttons also just aren’t designed well. Add that to the screen size problem with two sizable bars on either side, and you’re looking at a very small area of gameplay. Its obvious they just pushed this through as fast as possible, and not for a cheap price. I would think a simple-ish update would fix these problems. There’s already an HD version available, at least the resolution could have been better. Bottom line: beyond excited to have the game, it looks and plays awkward.
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