Nearly Perfect!
**Edit** I know this may be asking for too much already, but considering Ive been playing IX on my phone, is it possible Silicon Studios Thailand can rework VII the controls and graphics to the same extent as IX? I bumped it down a star due to VII being such a rough port. Its still my favorite game, but I feel like it could be conceived a bit better. Like I said in the original review, the overlay really gets in the way of me enjoying it once again; its just starting to feel like a novelty.. Another thing thats bothering me is: where are the achievements? PSN and Steam got them... What about iOS? Some of the earlier FF games got it. Why is the iOS scene so fragmented?
**Original** Its a bittersweet day to see my favorite game of all time get the iOS treatment (excited to see the rest of the PSX collection). Since Ive literally only played a few minutes of it, Ill express things Id like to see.
This game needs no introduction, so Ill skip that part (its definitely worth a finish if youve, astonishingly never completed it or.. Even worse.. Never heard of it **YIKES**). Although I have enjoyed it thus far, here are my minor quibbles that I have with the game:
• The movement around the world seems a bit more fast than I remember. Not a problem, just a bit strange;
•The overlay is fine, but the excess of buttons that dont function all the time (R1, L2, S1, etc.) is a bit distracting. Plus, when in battle, not tapping on commands (Attack, Magic, Items, etc.), but instead moving the cursor with the directional pad is a little cumbersome. Maybe allow to choose between this and another control scheme when it comes to menus?
•Okay. This is definitely minor, but I absolutely hate the widescreen bars on the side. This is a personal preference. It would be nice to maybe stretch the screen to 16:9 (a la PSP or Vita), or maybe a moving, gradient side-bar to avoid the static frames around the side.
All-in-all, this is a welcome port of a legendary game. Its near perfect for me. Id just like to see a few fixes to make it an essential game. It gets ★★★★★ for the content alone. Looking forward to the future installments.
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