**Edit** I know this may be asking for too much already, but considering Ive been playing IX on my phone, is it possible Silicon Studios Thailand [No Offense to DotEMU] can rework VIIs on-screen controls, graphics, and side-bar quality to the same extent as IX? I bumped it down a star due to VII being such a rough port. The overlay really gets in the way of me enjoying it once again and the lag after coming out of a battle in the world map is pretty bad [Easily 15fps].. Another thing thats bothering me is: where are the achievements? PSN and Steam got them... What about iOS? Some of the earlier FF games got it. Why is the iOS scene so fragmented?
**Original** Its a bittersweet day to see my favorite game of all time get the iOS treatment (excited to see the rest of the PSX collection). Since Ive literally only played a few minutes of it, Ill express things Id like to see.
This game needs no introduction, so Ill skip that part (its definitely worth a finish if youve, astonishingly never completed it or.. Even worse.. Never heard of it **YIKES**). Although I have enjoyed it thus far, here are my minor quibbles that I have with the game:
• The movement around the world seems a bit more fast than I remember. Not a problem, just a bit strange;
•The overlay is fine, but the excess of buttons that dont function all the time (R1, L2, S1, etc.) is a bit distracting. Plus, when in battle, not tapping on commands (Attack, Magic, Items, etc.), but instead moving the cursor with the directional pad is a little cumbersome. Maybe allow to choose between this and another control scheme when it comes to menus?
•Okay. This is definitely minor, but I absolutely hate the widescreen bars on the side. This is a personal preference. It would be nice to maybe stretch the screen to 16:9 (a la PSP or Vita), or maybe a moving, gradient side-bar to avoid the static frames around the side.
All-in-all, this is a welcome port of a legendary game. Its near perfect for me. Id just like to see a few fixes to make it an essential game. It gets ★★★★★ for the content alone. Looking forward to the future installments.
PlanetMidgar about FINAL FANTASY VII, v1.0.5